Blog Getting Started with


MQTT is a powerful and flexible messaging protocol designed for lightweight, low-bandwidth communication. It's particularly well-suited for IoT (Internet of Things) applications, where efficient and reliable message delivery is critical. is a serverless MQTT broker service.

This guide will walk you through the initial setup and configuration of, helping you to create instances, templates, devices, and ultimately, connect your devices to start publishing and subscribing to topics.

How to Use

1. Create Instances

To get started with, you'll first need to create an instance. This instance will act as your MQTT broker, handling the message exchanges between clients.


  • Click on the "+ New Instance" button.
  • Enter a name and description for your instance to easily identify it later.
  • Submit your creation to initialize the instance.

2. Create Template & Permissions

Next, you need to create a template that defines the permissions for different topics. This template ensures that each device can only publish or subscribe to the topics it has been assigned.


  • Click on the "Create Template" button.
  • Set the topic permissions according to your needs. This can include specifying which topics a device can publish to and subscribe from.
  • Save the template for future use.

3. Create Device

With your instance and permissions template in place, it's time to create a device. Each device will use the credentials provided to connect to the broker instance.


  • Click on the "Create Device" button.
  • Link the device to a template by selecting the appropriate permissions template.
  • Enter the device details such as name and description.
  • Obtain the credentials (username, password, and client ID) for the device.

4. Connect and Use

Now that your instance, templates, and devices are set up, you can connect your device to the broker instance using an MQTT client.


  • Connect to the broker instance using the provided instance ID and device MQTT credentials via an MQTT client.
  • Ensure that the client settings align with the assigned permissions template.
  • Once connected, your device can start publishing and subscribing to topics according to the permissions defined in the template.


By following these steps, you can quickly set up and start using for your messaging needs. This guide has covered the basics of creating instances, templates, and devices, as well as connecting your devices to the broker. With, you can efficiently manage your IoT communications and ensure reliable message delivery across your network.