A serverless way to ship MQTT connection

MQTT.pro is a serverless MQTT broker enables you to connect and process your IoT/MQTT data in real-time, between device to cloud.

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No server? No problem.

MQTT.pro is a Serverless MQTT Broker that helps you quickly set up a reliable, secure, and efficient MQTT service, allowing you to easily build IoT project without server knowledge.


Connect the Future of IoT with MQTT.pro

Everything you need to build your product

For the IoT, especially industrial automation fields, MQTT.pro can provide you with highly available, high-performance, and low-latency MQTT services to meet your business needs.

Quick setup

Quickly deploy MQTT services without professional technical knowledge, improving your business efficiency.

Ultra-low latency

The efficient architecture of MQTT.pro ensures minimal message delivery latency, allowing your application to perform at its best.

Powerful scalability

No matter how large your application is, MQTT.pro can provide the necessary scalability to meet your needs.

Advanced Security

MQTT.pro uses advanced encryption technology to ensure the security of your connections and data.

Easy to use

MQTT.pro provides simple and easy-to-use interfaces, allowing you to easily integrate and use it.

Professional support

We have a professional technical team to provide you with technical support at any time.

MQTT.pro's architecture and strong scalability improve our development efficiency. In addition, its ultra-low latency provide us with high-performance, stable MQTT services. We strongly recommend MQTT.pro.

Joey Black

CEO at HuaxiQ

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